God Said…I Said II

God said: It needs to bother you.

I said: What?

The language.

What language?

Case in point. You haven’t even noticed.

I’m not tracking with You. Notice what?

My name’s being taken in vain.

Oh, that. Well God, to be honest with You…I’ve kind of gotten used to it.

Used to it?

Well, yeah. My school hallways are filled with conversations echoing Your name. Not only that, but it’s pretty much a smorgasbord of four-letter options, too.

And that doesn’t affect you?

Nah. Like I said, I’m used to it.

That’s the problem.

Whaddya mean?

I don’t want you to get used to it.

But I hear that stuff all the time. TV’s full of it. Every sitcom I watch tosses Your name around. Can we get personal? Is it really that big of a deal?

Apparently you don’t realize the severity of this.

Guess not.

Every single time someone says, “Oh, my God!” they’re breaking one of My 10 commandments: “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain.”

Yeah, but…

Doing something I’ve specifically spoken against is a big deal.


I call it sin.

But not real sin. Right?

Excuse me?

I always thought sin was like…You know…murdering someone or stealing something.

Sin is anything that goes against what I’ve commanded.

But Father, practically everyone says stuff like, “Oh, God.”

Everyone’s not going to heaven.

Well, I don’t say it. Well, okay, maybe once…twice max.

But you’ve gotten comfortable with hearing it. That’s just as bad.

Well, I…

My child, I don’t want you to get comfortable living in this world and hearing what goes on around you. You see, this world really isn’t your home. Think of it as sort of a holding tank. You real home is in heaven with Me. And the splendor of it is beyond your capability of human understanding.

I know, God. And I’m looking forward to that.

But you’ll never get to spend eternity with Me if you constantly misuse My name as so many of your friends do. If you love Me, you will turn from you sin. And using My name in such a flippant manner is certainly sin.

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Wow. I didn’t realize.

You can’t help living in this world I’ve placed you in. But you can choose not to be a part of it.

How do I do that?

By refusing to get comfortable.

Go on.

I realize there are things you can’t help but hear, but that doesn’t mean you should become accustomed to hearing them. I want your stomach to bunch up in knots when you hear My name used in the wrong way. I want you to feel uncomfortable when kids around you share coarse jokes and brag about their sexual escapades. I want you to turn around and walk away when you hear or see sin.

That will take a conscious effort, Father.

I know.

But, do You think if I could get into the habit of doing it, it would become almost as natural as breathing?

You’re catching on.

It will be hard.

You won’t be alone.

People will probably laugh at me when I refuse to listen to their suggestive conversations.

A few will respect you.

It would be easier if I had an example.


You know, someone else who has already taken a stand.

Study My Son’s life.

Oh yeah!

And read Hebrew chapter 11. It’s FULL of people who took a stand.

Yeah, but some of them were killed for their beliefs.

That’s what Christianity’s all about.


That’s right.


Yes. My true disciples are the ones who ahve died to living their own lives. They’ve given up control. They’ve become putty in My hands, and they’re letting Me reshape and remold them in My image.

And I guess that’s what You want me to do?

I want you to spend eternity with Me in heaven, and I need you to die to your own selfish habits, your coarse language, your plans for the future, your selfishness–even to your rights.

But, God…

And guess what?


When you do…You’ll start to become very uncomfortable with the world around you.

I have been crucified with Christ; and I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me (Galatians 2:20, TLB).

Author Unknown

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